Summer was a blast for us this year, it always seems to go by way to fast but we had good times. Here are a few of the things we did and it is a pretty short post but lots of pics!
We started the summer off by going camping with our friends the Wards and the Jones to our favorite spot Baumgartner campground. The kids had a blast and I love that they love being outside and exploring!
Levi found a snake, well actually his son Tavin did cuz he nearly stepped right on it! So we stuck in a bucket and let the kids watch it for awhile. This is Maddex, Jett, Tavin, and Bailey even though we dont see them very much they are still best buds as soon as they get together!
All the gang! Bailey, Russ, Mason, Katie, Tyler, Katie, Jett, Maddex, Tavin, and Levi. We love this hot spring that they have made into a pool at the campground. Ahh so nice right before bed to get the kids somewhat clean and really tired!
Maddex showing off his tricks, this is his front flip from the side of the pool! Ya he is crazy like that!
Then Tyler's sister and her family came to visit from Colorado and his parents came from Boise. We were able to do so much in a short week but the most fun was sitting at home and just watching the kids play. They had tons of fun together and Maddex really misses his cousins when they leave!
Dinner and a full house! We had 14 people in our tiny house and ONE bathroom!
Dont ask me how we did it?

Jett, Baya, and Hunter are all about the same age and they loved these rocks, it was to cute to watch them play and have fun together!
We were able to go to Yellowstone National Park and check some animals and geysers out. I haven't been there in forever so it was fun to see how it has changed and how it hasn't changed.
Maddex and
Jett's favorite part were the Bison, they were everywhere even on the roads and they thought that was pretty cool!

We saw lots of beautiful scenery and amazing geysers and the colors of some of the pools were incredible. We saw Old Faithful and I forgot how cool that really was to see. Thanks Hones and Croker families we loved having you and miss you tons!