Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jett 2 days old

Maddex 2 days old

Pretty crazy huh! Can you tell they are brothers?


Clayton & Charish Hubbard said...

Oh my goodness katie! I had no idea!! Congrats! I am going to have to call you soon!! I want to come see you guys soon!

Hunter, Andrea, Colten, & Faith said...

aww Congrats!! You guys make such cute kids!! Jett and Colten have the same middle name, but different spelling!

Unknown said...

Your boys are so dang cute! And you don't even look like you have ever been pregnant! You look amazing! I hope all is well for you! Keep in touch!

Stacy Wilson said...

Hey Katie!!! It's been so long! The pictures are so cute. We missed you guys. I'll give you a call later. It looks like christmas was good for you guys! Can't wait to catch up.